These posters from #GOPHandsOffMe rallies are the perfect indictment against Donald Trump

On Tuesday, crowds of women across the country synced up for one big goal: to get the Republican Party to disavow, denounce and unendorse the sexist, xenophobic pussy-grabber Donald Trump.
Women of all ages — and some men, too — dressed in black, and according to Jezebel, chanted "Donald thinks he runs this town, pussy came to shut it down!" They also shouted "GOP, hands off me!"
The #GOPHandsOffMe rallies took place in New York City, Philadelphia, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Boston, Denver, Seattle and Oakland, California.
Yong Jung Cho, 26, is one of the main organizer for the protests. She says the #GOPHandsOffMe rallies, primarily organized women of color and survivors of sexual assault, are a response to the policies pushed by the GOP in the last five decades.
"The GOP has always been an old boys' club, pushing politics of hate for the last 50 years, stoking fear and hate of black people, women, Muslims, immigrants and LGBT people," Cho said in a email to Mic.
She also expressed frustration with members of the GOP, many of whom who have refused to condemn Trump.
"Donald Trump is a racist, sexist, xenophobe and a sexual predator," Cho added. "Each time Trump has said a hateful comment, the GOP turns a blind eye. The Republican Party refuses to take responsibility for their candidate and refuses to take responsibility for the monster they've created."
Through the hashtag #GOPHandsOffMe, several protesters posted videos from the rallies and perfect posters to shut down the Republican presidential nominee.
The #GOPHandsOffMe rallies are also taking place in Chicago near the Trump Tower.
Oct. 18, 2016, 3:40 p.m.: This story has been updated.