Pusha T talks police brutality, systematic racism with Tim Kaine in Clinton campaign video

If Clipse-era Pusha T could see his G.O.O.D. Music presidential self now.
Against any of the expectations his early dope dealing raps may have set, Virginia's most notorious mover of bricks and birds has gradually become a full Hillary Clinton stump man. It started with his "Delete Your Account" T-shirts, moved to his status as a prize in a voter contest and hits a new peak today in the Clinton's latest promotional video.
Wednesday, the Clinton campaign released a video of Pusha T interviewing Senator and vice-presidential candidate Tim Kaine at the Liberty City Block Party in Miami, premiering exclusively on Mic. It features the two bonding over their Virginia connection and discussing the major political issues: police brutality, systematic racism, education and economic inequality.
While it's certainly talking point heavy, their willing to face difficult topics head on is refreshing to see in an election season that has seemingly gone out of its way to avoid substantial issues.
Pusha T asks Kaine to speak to what the rapper describes as his biggest concern this election: the criminal justice system. It's a topic he's tackled before on songs like 2015's "Sunshine," on which Push raps:
Still a target, but the badge is the new noose
"We're definitely on the same page in regards to knowing it's flawed and needs to be fixed," Pusha tells Kaine.
The prospective vice president responds in clear, cogent terms, outlining one of he and Clinton's campaign points.
"There's a lot of reforms that are necessary," Kaine said. "There's policing reforms, to make sure that we have communities where everybody respects the law. But people have to be respected by the law, too... In some of our communities that's not the case."
Kaine suggests initiatives to begin collecting more data on the number of citizens killed by police, noting that government entities keep data on police casualties but not citizen casualties in fatal confrontations.
With one pointed question, Virginia's finest gets Kaine to admit systematic racism persists to this day, in several spheres of U.S. society.
"There is in housing," Kaine says. "There is in employment. There is in the criminal justice system. There is in voting rights. There's more progress to achieve, but we keep moving forward."
Watch the full conversation between Virginia icons below.