Samantha Bee and Obama imagine a truly scary Halloween trick: a Trump presidency
Samantha Bee began what she called an annual Halloween tradition on Full Frontal: interviewing the president. This year, that meant a sit-down with President Barack Obama in his final year in office, and he shared a "spooky story" about what could happen if enough people don't vote in November.
"Donald Trump could be president," he says.
Obama's main goal from the interview with Bee was encouraging millennials to vote. That's particularly important for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who is heavily favored among millennial voters. Though if Obama was trying to sway millennials, Bee thinks he might've already made a mistake by choosing to speak with her.
"So you are the father of a college student, sitting down with a 47-year-old mother of three," Bee joked. "If this was your best idea to get young people to vote, what was your worst idea? Have you thought about going on Antiques Road Show?"
Shifting gears to a Clinton presidency — who would be the first female president in U.S. history — Bee asked the president what type of adversity she might face. Essentially, what would be Clinton's equivalent to the birther conspiracy that Obama had to deal with from the likes of Trump.
"When men are ambitious it's just taken for granted — well, of course they're ambitious," he continued. "When women are ambitious: why? That theme, I think, will continue throughout her presidency and it's contributed to this notion that somehow, she's hiding something."
Of course, to even get to that point, Obama urged that everyone votes to avoid a Trump presidency. In the spirit of Halloween, Bee helped Obama envision the type of people Trump would have in his cabinet — and who would fill the Supreme Court.
"That was pretty scary," he responds. "I'm not sure I'm gonna sleep well tonight."
Watch Obama's interview with Bee on Full Frontal below.