Black feminists deserve to be honored on Election Day, too — and here's where to do it

Women are leaving their "I Voted" stickers on suffragist Susan B. Anthony's tombstone in Rochester, New York. But Evette Dionne, a senior editor at Revelist, is asking them to save some of these stickers for Ida B. Wells and other black women who paved the way for women's rights.
On Tuesday, Dionne then continued to tweet the addresses of several black suffragettes' burial sites so women who voted can visit and honor them in the same fashion as they did with Anthony's grave.
Dionne wants to remind all voters of the numerous black women who fought both for their rights as women and also campaigned to end the lynching of black men. Ida B. Wells, an African-American journalist, was one of them.
"As America prepares to possibly elect Hillary Clinton, the first woman president, it's so important to remember all of those who paved the way," Dionne told Mic in an email interview. "Ida B. Wells was a titan who fought alongside suffragists, but also focused her attention on stopping the lynching of black men."
This is something that cannot be said about Anthony. She was one of the leaders of the women's rights movement who was arrested for illegally voting in 1872. Anthony and other white suffragettes excluded black women from their movement and opposed black men from obtaining their voting rights.
Yet despite all of this, Anthony's legacy still outshines Wells' groundbreaking contributions that paved the way for all women.
"[Wells] performed intersectionality before intersectionality was part of Black Feminist theory," Dionne added. "Yet, many people erase her work in favor of the Susan B. Anthony did it all narrative."
Dionne wants to reclaim this historic moment for all black women's rights activists.
"I just wanted to say her name and that of other black women's activists in this historic moment," she said. "I wanted to reclaim this moment for them."