Romney Foreign Policy: Why Romney Ryan 2012 Will Restore America to Greatness

By Kim Moore

Mitt Romney addressed two major military schools this past week unfurling his foreign policy. Although his first speech to The Citadel in Charleston, S.C. did not get much of the media's attention, it was the first insight into the presidential candidate's plan for American foreign policy. 

In his address, he clearly identified the current administration’s foreign policy as spineless. One that has allowed Iran to gain ground in its goal toward domination of the world's oil supply, control of the Strait of Hormuz, and activated nuclear weapons. 

He asked those in attendance, "By 2015, will those who seek Israel's destruction feel emboldened by American ambivalence? Will the Taliban find a path back to power after more than a decade of American sacrifice in treasure and blood?"

"It will if we continue with the feckless policies of the past three years." 

This election holds make or break turning points for the United States, not only on domestic policies, but on foreign policy, and in the global attitude toward this nation.

Obama's apologetic and passive foreign policies have left America looking weak, our global leadership waning, and our allies wondering. As long as we retain this posture, we can expect more of the same violent outbreaks and anti-American sentiment running rampant throughout the world. 

As Romney put it, "America must lead the world, or someone else will." 

America has been a dominant leader in the world since the end of WWII. We have been a nation with a clear purpose and resolve. In the past four years our purpose has become cloudy and our resolve deteriorated. Our global leadership is lacking. 

Mitt Romney promises to devote himself to restoring our nation’s backbone. To stop apologizing for American exceptionalism and stand strong for the liberties our nation was founded upon. 

He realizes the need for a broad understanding of the world's nations and that there is no single approach to such challenges. But that the need for a safer world is hinged on a strong America, and the old Reagan idea of "peace through strength" still stands true today.  

Mitt Romney clearly identified the need for both our allies, and those who oppose us, to have no doubt about where we stand. That the United States must use all means of persuasion to influence events before they become volatile; resorting to force as the least desirable option. 

America must retain its military superiority to deter would-be aggressors and defend our allies and ourselves. This can only be achieved by supporting a strong defense budget, which Romney does.

"Strong American global leadership is necessary," according to Romney, "to lend credibility and faith in success of any action. And, while America should work "with" other nations, we must reserve the right to act alone to protect vital national interests."

Romney makes it clear that America should not shrink from the global challenges we face today or wave the white flag of surrender or, worse yet, shrink into a shell of isolationism; but to raise the eternal torch of decency, freedom, and hope for the entire world to see. 

America must regain her strength as a nation through a strong foreign policy, and I believe Mitt Romney has the vision to do just that.