'Super Mario Run' Toads Guide: How to get blue, yellow, purple, green and red Toads

Wondering how to get blue Toads in Super Mario Run? We've got you covered.
Super Mario Run is a pretty fun adaptation of a classic Nintendo character onto a mobile platform, but there are some obscure rules and tucked-away features the game doesn't explain outright. One such example is the mystery of how to obtain Toads of various colors that act as a sort of currency when you want to build new structures for your Mushroom Kingdom — like the ones you need to unlock several different characters.
Here's how to earn every single color Toad in the game. If you're looking for a broader walkthrough, check out our ultimate guide to beating World 1.
How to get different colored Toads in Super Mario Run
Before we get into the specifics of earning each type of Toad, let's talk first about collecting Toads more generally.
To earn Toads, play through the Toad Rally mode, in which you compete against other players, earning Toads if you manage to pull of a more stylish run than your opponent.
The types of Toads you earn through Toad Rally depend on the stage you pick. You'll know what types of Toads you can earn based on the icons on each stage.
In the example above, going up against "Luisote" will yield blue, purple, red, green and yellow Toads, but going up against "Masterprough" will only yield red and green. If you're after a specific type, keep your eye on those icons and only play against opponents that will yield the Toads you need.
How to get purple and green Toads in Super Mario Run
The types of Toads you can earn depend on the progress you've made in the main Tour mode. Once you complete the first world in Tour mode — the first four stages — you'll see a notification that new levels have been added to the Rally mode.
Once you get this notification, you should see Rally levels with purple and green Toad icons.
How to get blue and yellow Toads in Super Mario Run
Once you beat the second world, you should receive another notification that more stages have been added to Rally. You should now see levels in the Rally mode that yield blue and yellow Toads.
More Super Mario Run news, updates, tips and tricks
If you want to know more about Super Mario Run, walk calmly toward Mic's latest coverage, like a guide to making sure it doesn't demolish your data usage, our walkthrough for World 1, our review of the demo, an explanation for why the game isn't free, early predictions about whether Nintendo's iPhone-first approach is helping or hurting its chances of success and a list of Android games to play while you wait.