Who gets Nick Viall's first impression rose? Meet 'The Bachelor' contestant Rachel Lindsay

The biggest scandal to erupt on Monday's premiere episode of The Bachelor — aside from the fact that Nick Viall already slept with one of the contestants at a wedding (gasp!) — was the sea of red dresses. For whatever reason, seemingly half of Nick's contestants showed up clad in shades of red for the premiere, causing panic that they'd all blend in.
Luckily for Rachel Lindsay, who was in as much red as any of the others, her personality helped her stand out. She received Nick's first impression rose, making her an early frontrunner in the race for the bachelor's heart.
At 31, Lindsay is on the older end of Viall's crop of contestants, allaying any fears that this would quickly become a competition where a 36-year-old man picks between 20-somethings. She brings with her a great profession (she's an attorney) and a good head on her shoulders (she would be Michelle Obama for a day given the opportunity). Her answer about her favorite artist is a wonder:
Jean-Michel Basquiat. He was so mysterious and died so young. There is so much we don't know about him and could have received from him in the art world.
That answer is infinitely more thoughtful and considered than you ordinarily find from a contestant on this franchise.
Her level head and thoughtfulness clearly resonated for Viall, who bestowed upon her the first rose of the season. It remains to be seen whether she'll be more like Lindzi Cox, who took her first impression rose all the way to the final two in season 16, or an Olivia Caridi, who crashed and burned in season 20.
But no matter what happens next, Rachel is the unqualified winner this week. She best look out, though: A gang of girls in red are going to be gunning for her.