'Pokémon Go' Update Notes: PokéStop refresh speeds changing for the worse, players report

If you only have regular access to a few PokéStops, a potential Pokémon Go update could slightly affect your ability to play the game.
Silph Road user issiech posted some observations about a change in how long it takes PokéStops to recharge to the Pokémon Go fan community. If the observations are correct, the change could be slowing down play for anyone who doesn't have many PokéStops to spin for supplies.
Pokémon Go Update Notes: Why PokéStop refresh timing is so important
Issiech only reports three measurements in his post, which obviously is not enough to base an argument on. However, the findings suggest that an additional 30 seconds has been added on to PokéStop refresh times.
Every time you spin a PokéStop for items, it becomes unavailable to you until it can recharge. When a PokéStop is blue, it is available to spin. The PokéStop then turns pink, and slowly fades back to blue when it's refreshed and may be spun again for supplies.
Typically, that recharge time has been five minutes. However, it looks like this could be changing for the worse.
Pokémon Go Update Notes: PokéStop timing observations are still anecdotal
Issiech's results may be far from scientific, but other Silph Road trainers are investigating and reporting similar results.
"I noticed this earlier too," wrote Redditor HylianGlaceon. "Normally when I do my walking route I barely make it in time for the first one to refresh due to how they are spread out. Now I'm at the first one before it refreshes and standing around for a good 20+ seconds each cycle. I guess Niantic can't do good changes."
"You know what?" wrote another Redditor. "I noticed this too yesterday. Taking slightly longer for pokestops to reset. I thought I was walking faster."
Again, these reports are purely anecdotal, but they're worth investigating if you only have access to a few PokéStops and your time to play is very limited. If you walk a regular route, pay attention to whether or not it seems like PokéStops are taking longer to refresh. If they do, you may need to adjust your route.
More Pokémon Go news, tips, tricks and updates
Check out Mic's Pokémon Go tips and tricks. Here are guides on how to catch Gen 2 baby Pokémon, the 98 Gen 2 Pokémon that have yet to be added to the game, our analysis of post-update Chansey and Rhydon, everything you need to know about finding the long-awaited Pokémon Ditto, how to create new PokéStops, how to maximize your chances of catching Pokémon and how PokéStops distribute Pokémon eggs.