How to use Snapchat without Wi-Fi or data

When you're traveling abroad and without a data plan, posting stories to your Snapchat can be a pain, if not impossible. But there are ways to get around it and make sure your Snapchat followers don't miss a moment of your life.
Upload from the Camera Roll
Snapchat allows users to upload pictures and videos from their Camera Roll, so you can always take photos and videos on your phone — or save memes and content from the Internet — and upload them at a later time. To upload from your Camera Roll, open your Snapchat camera, select the small circle below the record button, and select on Camera Roll. This pulls up your library of images and videos, which you can then upload to Snapchat. That said, anything you upload will have the original date and time stamp on it.
Use Snapchat Memories
If you want to upload without the time stamp and white frame, then you can save your snaps to your Memories. This method requires using the in-app camera, as opposed to the Camera Roll method above where you can use your device's camera. To save a snap to your Memories, take a photo or video and then click the middle "download" arrow icon on the bottom left corner. Just be sure to check out Settings > Memories to ensure your downloads save to Memories. Users have 24 hours to share saved snaps to their story without having a time stamp calling them out on on their #latersnap ways.
Intentionally Snap-fail
A final option is to take a snap and add it to your story. Without Wi-Fi and a data plan, the story will fail to be added — and you will be notified of that — but once you're connected to Wi-Fi, you can always retry loading the snap and have it added to your story. This option comes with a risk: Sometimes snaps fail and just disappear. But when snaps don't disappear, you can add a snap without time stamps or punishing white frames.
But, what about geo-location filters?
For those who love to add geo-location filters, know that filters vary based on area and Snapchat can only refresh your options when connected to the internet. As such, some filters may not show up when you're using the app without a connection. To get the most up-to-date filters possible, open your Snapchat app before you lose service and swipe through filters. These filters will then be available when you snap without Wi-Fi.