'Overwatch' Patch 1.7: Roadhog's new "hook 2.1" on PTR gets updated again

Blizzard released a new patch on the Overwatch public test realm recently, further tweaking the various nerfs and buffs to Ana, Roadhog and Sombra that first hit PTR last week as part of patch 1.7.
The most contentious change — though all of them have been pretty contentious, let's be honest — is the update to Roadhog's hook, which has been dubbed "hook 2.0." After the first patch hit PTR, a lot of fans thought Blizzard hindered its effectiveness too much. The most recent PTR patch beefs it up a bit more.
Overwatch Patch 1.7: Here's what changed for Roadhog's hook
Here's the full description of what's changed, from the patch notes:
Roadhog Hook:
Good news! These changes seem to have made a big improvement.
Overwatch Patch 1.7: Roadhog's new hook is more well-behaved
In a post on the Overwatch subreddit by Ceiu called "Hook 2.1 Examples," you can see them putting Roadhog's newest hook to the test.
There are a couple strange behavior's Ceiu noticed, which are excerpted from the Reddit post below. Basically, the hook's recognition of whether a target is hidden by cover or not is still a little wonky.
Some oddities I noticed:
The fandom's reception to the clip seems to be pretty positive so far, judging by the comments on the Reddit post: "Wow," Reddit user Jugaimo commented. "This hook looks what I imagine was originally intended. Well done, Blizzard."
As was proven by the latest PTR update, Blizzard is still tweaking all of these changes. Hopefully, the remaining wonkiness will get fixed in a subsequent update. Will that be "hook 2.2"? I'm losing track.
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