After the historic Women's March, women are flocking to get tattoos
On Saturday, millions of women and supporters of women gathered in major cities and tiny towns across the world to take a stand. They came with pink pussy hats, clear backpacks and signs in hand to make history. Or, rather, herstory.
It was a moment that many won't soon forget, and some participants are ensuring that they never do by flocking to get tattoos, a pointed feminist reminder.
It's not the first time in recent memory we've seen people getting inked to make a statement: After the election, Mic reported on an influx of feminists getting tattoos. For some of them, it was about taking a stand against fascism and sexism. For others, it was about self-healing. The message now is similar.
Dana, who lives near Washington, D.C., went to the march on Saturday in D.C. and the very next day, got a tattoo of a cat's face on her ankle.
"I will never forget how I felt marching on Saturday, and wanted a little something to take with me," Dana wrote on Instagram. "I seriously cannot stop staring at it!"
And that was her first tattoo.
Another woman, Lottie Ash, got a tattoo after she too attended the D.C. march. Two days after she posted a picture of herself at the march, she posted an image of a new tattoo on the back of her bicep: the number 19, meant to signify the 19th Amendment that gave women the right to vote, and then the number 73, meant to signify 1973, the year the Supreme Court ruled on Roe v. Wade.
After that, there's a comma.
"The second comma, which follows 73, represents the fight and the wait for our first female president," Ash wrote. "I had hoped that number would be 45, but I look forward to fighting for her and adding her number to the list."
Yet another Instagram user, @SinsAndSequins, posted a feminist-themed tattoo after she attended the march in D.C. as well.
The tattoo is of the word "onward," with the Venus feminist symbol in place of the "o."
"The fight continues!" she wrote.
Tattoo artists also seem to be seeing an uptick in interest in feminist designs following the marches. On the day after the march, Niki Hughes of Sacred Art Tattoos in Roscoe, Illinois, posted a picture of two different Venus symbols on two different customers.
"In honor of the #womensmarch yesterday, I got to do these lovely Venus symbols on two fellow feminists," Hughes wrote. "Keep pushing on you beautiful people."
Mic has reached out to the women featured above for comment.