Why is CeeLo Green dressing like a golden robot? It's all a part of his new trolly artistic persona.

On Sunday, CeeLo Green broke the internet with his arrival on the Grammys red carpet. The "Forget You" singer showed up in an all gold outfit and Twitter had it's way with his appearance.
It looks like his odd appearance can be explained. Green came dressed like that because that is his alter ego: Gnarly Davidson. Yes, Green has an alter ego and he comes wrapped in shiny outfits.
Green actually revealed Gnarly Davidson to XXL with a statement: "Look at me… LOOK AT ME! YOU DID THIS TO ME CEELO GREEN, YOU FUCKING IDIOT. BUT I LIKE IT, I’m actually… BETTER! Than you… than everyone! A karmikaze upon you! Vengeance is mine sayeth GNARLY DAVIDSON. P.S. TECHNOLOJESUS saves."
As soon as Green, sorry, we mean Gnarly Davidson, hit the red carpet at the Grammy Awards, his appearance became the joke of the evening. But Green was quick to point out that it wasn't him, of course:
Sunday night was not the first time we've seen Gnarly Davidson. The singer's alter ego showed up in costume at the Grammy's pre-show in a darker outfit:
Gnarly Davidson appeared to be very excited to attend the handful of Grammy events over the weekend, tweeting out his joy. He also shared a new song called "Fuck me, I'm Famous," in addition to another song he released called "Jay Z's Girl." The song sample's "Jesse's Girl" and seems to be an odd declaration for his undying love for Beyoncé.
It's probably safe to say that this is not the last we've seen of Gnarly Davidson.