'Boyhood' director Richard Linklater's "I Pee with LGBT" ad opposes Texas bathroom bill

This is one kind of discrimination people won't stand for — so they're taking a seat.
In a new video, "Taking a Seat, Making a Stand," made by the ACLU of Texas and directed by Oscar-nominated Boyhood director Richard Linklater, Texans share the many reasons that the North Carolina-inspired bathroom bill currently floating in the Texas legislature is a bad idea. The bill, SB6, would require people to use the bathroom that matches their gender assigned at birth rather than their gender identity.
"You've got to roll up your sleeves. Pull down your pants. And pee with LGBT." one man in the video says.
"You've got to take a seat to make a stand." says another woman.
A third man says, "You've gotta spray it to say it."
The ad also takes a direct hit at the bill, also known as the Women's Privacy Act, by saying that this "isn't a privacy issue."
"We can take care of ourselves," one woman says, as she's passed a roll of toilet paper.
The rest of the ad makes several cases against the bill — that its passing would hurt Texas school children, enable blatant discrimination, be bad news for Texas businesses and spell trouble for the state's economy. Only 18 days after it was passed, HB2 cost North Carolina $86.3 million, according to the Center for American Progress. The organization also estimated it could cost the state another $481 million in the coming months. One study reports that Texas could lose as much as $8.5 billion in revenue if the bill passes.
The video ends with an array of people saying, "I Pee with LGBT." The video's accompanying campaign website encourages people to use the hashtag #IPeeWithLGBT and to email their congresspeople in opposition to SB6.
The chorus opposing SB6 has grown louder in recent weeks. On Valentine's Day, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears and over 140 other entertainers signed a letter to the Texas legislature opposing the bill.
The NFL also warned Texas that it does not stand for discrimination. "The NFL embraces inclusiveness," Brian McCarthy, an NFL spokesman, said in an email to the Houston Chronicle. "We want all fans to feel welcomed at our events, and NFL policies prohibit discrimination based on age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or any other improper standard."