'Arrow' season 5, episode 15 spoilers: What will happen in "Fighting Fire With Fire"?

Wednesday night's Arrow again largely put the season's main Prometheus arc on the back burner, instead focusing on a trio of prison escapees: China White, Liza Warner and Cupid. Capturing the villains would not have been much of a problem for the Green Arrow, except he spent a majority of the episode also outrunning the police department.
While the ACU and Green Arrow seem to be back on the same page, in the final moments of "The Sin-Eater," news leaked that the mayor's office covered up the circumstances surrounding Detective Malone's murder. Now, in season five, episode 15, titled "Fighting Fire With Fire," it will not be the Green Arrow that is in trouble, but Oliver Queen.
Not only will Oliver's administration come under attack by the news media, and likely political rivals, but the mayor's corruption will draw the attention of Vigilante. The gun-toting crime-fighter has been a pest in the past for Team Arrow, but it seems that in "Fighting Fire With Fire," he will be posing the greatest threat yet.
To hold you over until next week's episode, here is the official synopsis, via Comic Book Movie, for season five, episode 15 of Arrow:
Vigilante attacks Mayor Queen — Oliver (Stephen Amell) faces his biggest challenge yet as mayor. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) continues down her dark path with Helix. After Vigilante attacks Oliver while he's acting as the mayor, Diggle (David Ramsey) leads the team in a mission to stop Vigilante once and for all.
Need a little more? Check out the extended promo for "Fighting Fire With Fire" below:
Arrow airs Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. Eastern on the CW.
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