Presidential Debate 2012 Live Stream: Follow Along LIVE
On Monday, President Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney square off in their third and final presidential debate, this time dealing with foreign policy and to be held in Boca Raton, Florida.
It's been a busy week by anyone's standards: the most tremendous meteor shower since Haley's comet wowed star-gazers, Bruno Mars dropped another hit, and, last but not least, Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake made their first newlywed public appearance.
But, lest we forget, election day is a mere 16 days away, and the final debate will be begin in fewer than 24 hours? Not here.
On the eve of the final debate let's make things interesting. Here are three things on my radar:
1. 3 I's: Iran Israel and Insurgents. How will recent news about Iranian nuclear capability factor into Monday's debate? The conversation is sure to highlight clashes between the two candidates: Can Romney extend beyond his one-note stance on Israel? Finally, who will come away with the edge on African foreign policy; will Obama be able to come away clean on Libya?
2. Women and wars. Over and over, we've heard that women are playing a key role this election. Historically, candidates suffer when war becomes a focal point. Who will be able to walk away with this demographic's support when war and conflict is the top of the talking points?
3. Clarity. We've heard pundits criticize Romney repeatedly for his vague discussion of domestic policy. Will Romney be able to put forth clear ideas that sit a little better with voters and skeptics? Or will it be more of the same.
PolicyMic will be covering the presidential debate live. For live updates, bookmark and refresh this page.
Update: 9:06 PM First mention of Osama Bin Laden... that didn't take long Mr. Romney. But hyou're right "we can't kill our way out of this one." Well said?
9:12PM: Obama comes speeding out of the gates with a clear command of the issues that need to be dealt with.
"Your strategy, previously, has been all over the map, and is not designed to keep Americans safe."
9:13PM surprise form Romney with a sharp Zinger. Pulling out the conversation on Russia
9:14PM Obama lays out his own 5-point plan...for strong American leadership. --- Mr. Romney?
9:25PM twnety five mintues in ladies and gentleman and we have taken the turn towards domestic policy
PS: thanks for your input Mom:
Side note: President mentions that americans just want their kids to go to good schools. Really, Mr. President? Are you sure? How do you know? have you studied the issue? Maybe all Americans want is a cheeseburger. #statingtheobvious
9:27PM Maybe ya'll should change your drinking game words from "libya" and "terrorism" to "debt and "economy".
9:33PM Count it. Romney starts talking about jobs and the economy again.
9:36PM: (#factcheck, Obama statistically, class size doesn't matter...)
9:40PM: Maybe Romney won't win the foreign policy battle, but he has won the war. He effectively has turned this into a domestic policy debate.
9:45PM: Did...the President just compare ships to "horses and bayonets"? Why? #thatsirrelevant.
9:49PM: "you thought you'd do the same things we did, but you'd do them louder" (Obama on Romney's call for strong pressure on Iran)
9:52PM: caveat, Obama: you've been saying "we'll get 'em next time" for the last four years. When will American's see results?
9:57PM: Romney holds his ground and drives the point home on Obama's so-called "Apology Tour" #win
10:00PM: "Iran four years closer to a bombs, jihadits continuing to spread, Assad still in powers, trade deficit with China...I don't see our influence growing."(Romney)
10:01PM: Obama utters the Kiss Of Death words, calling Romney a flip-flopper on Foreign Policy.-- will these comments hold water with voters?
10:07PM: Apparently the President believes the nation has forgottenabout 9/11? #neverforget
10:14PM: This debate has left me confused. Not only has it covered a gamut of topics, but when did Obama start supporting America taking on the responsiblity of rebuilding failed states the Middle East?
10:16PM: (Obama) back to the economy... count it.
10:18PM: (Romney) "We can be a partner with China. We don't have to be an adversary."
10:20PM: This just in for some comedic relief:
10:27PM: Back to jobs and making America more economically competitive. I guess flagrant use of the term "overseas" qualifies as foreign policy discussion.