White 'Playboy' playmate calls Van Jones "house n*gger" on Twitter for not resisting Trump

Early Wednesday morning, Playboy playmate Ariane Bellamart tweeted criticism of CNN contributor and former White House adviser Van Jones, who has been a staunch critic of President Donald Trump.
"Why is Van Jones always playing the house nigger?!" Bellamart wrote. "He is smart. Able. Ready. Stand up! Don't settle for this undefinable nonsense. #RESIST."
"House nigger" is a longstanding slur meant to slander black people who others perceive as cozying up to white people. The term, as Malcolm X explained, comes from the United States' era of slavery, when some slaves were allowed to live inside and often dressed like their slave masters.
Over time, the term has been lobbed at many prominent black activists. In April 2016, rapper Azealia Banks called black liberation activist and failed Baltimore mayoral candidate Deray McKesson a "house nigger" after the two got into a Twitter spat over Banks' use of a homophobic slur on social media.
Jones has been a vocal critic of Trump. The night of Trump's election to the White House, Jones delivered a heartfelt speech on how he would have to talk to his children about Trump's victory. In the speech, Jones called Trump's triumph over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton a "whitelash."
In early March, Jones did catch some heat after praising Trump for his speech to a joint session of Congress.
Bellamar's criticism of Jones was not only overtly racist, but also wrongly targeted. In the presidential election, 80% of black men voted for Clinton, while 53% of white women threw their support behind Trump.
After Bellamar tweeted out her opinion on Jones, her mentions were filled with Twitter users accusing her of racism.
Though it is unclear what prompted Bellamar's use of the racial slur, Jones did appear on CNN last night and called the leak of Trump's 2005 tax returns a "win" for the commander in chief.
Playboy did not immediately respond to Mic's request for comment.