'Arrow' season 5, episode 17 promo, plot description and more for "Kapiushon"

Season five, episode 16 of Arrow continued to peel back the layers of Prometheus, showing how depraved the villain truly is. After Oliver learns that Adrian Chase has been Prometheus all along, he sets out to take him down, only to realize that the villain is continuously 10 steps ahead.
In episode 16, Team Arrow tries to find any advantage they can to defeat Adrian Chase, while also searching for Susan Williams, who is being held captive in an undisclosed location. With help from Felicity's new buddies at Helix, Oliver and team are able to locate Susan, but once again fall into Prometheus' trap.
In the final moments of season five, episode 16, the Green Arrow goes face to face with Prometheus. For a moment, Oliver seems to gain the upper hand, that advantage is short-lived. He is shot from behind by Talia al Ghul, whose father, like Chase's, was killed by Oliver.
Arrow season five, episode 17 synopsis
In season five, episode 17 of Arrow, titled "Kapiushon," Oliver is going to learn exactly what Prometheus has in store for him — and it's not good. It has become perfectly clear that Chase has no intention to kill Oliver, but rather, has something considerably more menacing in mind: He wants to destroy him.
Oliver will find himself as Chase's captive in episode 17, where he will be tortured to the breaking point. While it is not entirely clear what Chase hopes to prove, we do know that his goal is to reveal Oliver's true nature. Furthermore, it also appears that the flashbacks may finally pick up a bit, as Konstantin Kovar is set to return.
To hold you over for the week, here is the official synopsis for season five, episode 17 of Arrow:
Prometheus goes to great lengths to break Oliver. Meanwhile, in the flashbacks, Anatoly (guest star David Nykl) becomes worried about Oliver's increasingly violent tendencies, which come to a head in a brutal confrontation.
Arrow season five, episode 17 promo video
Need just a little bit more Arrow before next week? Who could blame you? Here an extended promo for episode 17, "Kapiushon":
Arrow airs Wednesday night at 8 p.m. Eastern on the CW.
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