People are pissed at KitchenAid's "sexist" pink gadgets made for breast cancer awareness

The struggle is real for KitchenAid's Twitter mentions.
The home appliance company was called out for "sexism" after marketing their limited edition pink kitchen gadgets under "KitchenAid for Women." The pink color for the "Cook for the Cure" program was chosen to promote breast cancer awareness in partnership with the charity group Breast Cancer Haven UK.
Twitter user Hazel Davis first noticed the pink gadgets on Friday and posted a tweet that led to a firestorm of complaints on the company's alleged sexist marketing.
Davis used the hashtags #LetKitchenAppliancesBeKitchenAppliances and #EverydaySexism to call out what she perceived as sexist.
Several other Twitter users agreed with Davis' sentiment with tweets calling the company's pink gadgets sexist or patronizing towards women.
But, like the Susan G. Komen Foundation and breast cancer awareness in general, pink is the official color of the Breast Cancer Haven. The pink ribbon has been the international symbol for breast cancer awareness for decades and is worn to show support for women diagnosed with breast cancer.
On Twitter, KitchenAid explained its choice to use pink for the limited edition gadgets because the color was a symbol for hope. The goal of the new appliances is to raise funds to help find a cure for breast cancer.
Other Twitter users noted that it's outlandish to accuse KitchenAid for sexism considering their intention is to help combat a cancer that affects millions of women around the world.
"Our intention was to highlight the Cook for the Cure program, which gives people with a passion for cooking a way to support a meaningful cause," a KitchenAid spokesperson told Mashable. "The program raises funds and awareness for the fight against breast cancer. From pink products and celebrity chef auctions to home-based fundraising events."
KitchenAid, however, took down the ad featuring the pink appliances.