Here are the 4 major ongoing investigations into Trump's Russia connections

On Monday, Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey revealed the existence of an ongoing investigation into the relationship between President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign and Russia.
The FBI investigation is just one of the ongoing investigations into Trump-Russia ties. Many of the specific connections to Russia of both Trump and his campaign are well-known and well-documented.
But it seems like every day more information is revealed, and the question of criminal behavior remains unanswered.
The House Intelligence Committee
Under the leadership of chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) and ranking member Adam Schiff (D-CA), House Intelligence Committee hearings began Monday with testimony from Comey and National Security Agency director Mike Rogers.
The big news so far is that Comey confirmed that, as far back as July, the FBI has been investigating the Trump campaign connections to Russia. Nunes served on Trump's transition team and has said of the investigations, "This is almost like McCarthyism revisited," calling into question his ability to be impartial.
Clearly, Trump is paying close attention to these hearings, as he tweeted about them throughout the day.
The existence of the investigation itself was only confirmed Monday, and so its status is unknown. In the hearing Monday, Comey admitted that the FBI, "is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election and that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts."
The FBI is investigating former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and former foreign policy advisor Carter Page for their ties to Russia, and the New York Times reported on Monday that Trump associate Roger Stone is now also under investigation.
Senate Intelligence Committee
While many senators have voiced concerns about Trump's connections to Russia, Senate hearings on the subject have not begun. Reuters reported that there would be public hearings, but there is no date set for them to begin. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.) said in regards to when the hearings would take place, "I don't yet, [know when they will begin] but soon."
According to Politico, Burr has said that there was no "separation" between him and Trump, and "bragged about his role in getting the FBI to investigate Hillary Clinton’s emails," which raises questions about the effectiveness about this committee's investigation.
Senate Judiciary Committee
The Senate Judiciary Committee is currently holding what could be lengthy confirmation hearings on Supreme Court justice nominee Neil Gorsuch and thus it may take some time before public hearings are held about Trump and Russia. However, committee members have already been briefed privately, and Reuters reports that committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and ranking member Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) have requested a briefing from Comey.
The committee's subcommittee on crime and terrorism, led by Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), is holding hearings of its own. Because Graham both opposed Trump during the campaign — famously saying he could not "in good conscience" vote for him — and is seen as a Russia hawk, this subcommittee may present the best hope for a genuinely bipartisan, thorough investigation.
The issue has arisen tangentially in many other hearings, and committees from the House judiciary to the House oversight have addressed this issue.
The problem : So many of the potential investigators are public supporters of Trump.