'Pokémon Go' Water Festival Event: Update announced — here's what to expect

It seems like a good day to be a Pokémon Go fan. After weeks of speculation about what a St. Patrick's Day event would look like if it materialized — it didn't — and what the next event could be potentially, Niantic has decided to celebrate the beginning of spring with a Pokémon Go Water Festival. If you're a little taken aback by the abruptness of this announcement, don't worry: We've got all the info you need right here.
Pokémon Go Water Festival Event: Update brings increased spawns for water types
According to a Twitter post that went up on March 22, the next Pokémon Go event will be a water festival, with increased spawn rates for Magikarp, Totodile, Squirtle and their evolutions, starting at 4:00 p.m. Eastern time.
A post on the Pokémon Go website provided additional information on the event as well:
Starting today at 1 P.M. PDT, you'll be more likely to encounter Magikarp, Squirtle, Totodile and their evolutions all around the world. Additionally, when you're out exploring areas where water-type Pokémon more commonly appear, you'll have a greater chance to encounter several of the water-type Pokémon originally discovered in the Johto region, and maybe... you might even encounter Lapras.
Niantic has also promised a new wardrobe item (a hat in the shape of a Magikarp) but the real prize here is the chance to catch a Lapras: a pretty rare Gen 1 Pokémon that's eluded trainers and made them perform some pretty crazy stunts in order to find one.
The increased spawn rates for Totodile and Squirtle are much appreciated as well — this could finally be your chance to get that Blastoise you've wanted since the game started.
The Pokémon Go Water Festival begins on March 22 at 4 p.m. Eastern and ends on March 29 at the same time, so you've got exactly a week to fill out your Pokédex with those water types you've been missing.
More Pokémon Go guides, tips and tricks
If you're booting up the game for the first time in a while to get ready for Gen 2, be sure to check out Mic's guides on how to get stardust, how to determine how long it will take you to reach level 40, the kind of Pokémon you get from 10-kilometer eggs, how to create new PokéStops, how to maximize your chances of catching Pokémon and how PokéStops distribute Pokémon eggs. Also check out how to catch Gen 2 baby Pokémon, our analysis of post-balance update Chansey and Rhydon and everything you need to know about finding the long-awaited Pokémon Ditto.