'Arrow' Season 5, Episode 18 Spoilers: What will happen in "Disbanded"?

Episode 17 of Arrow took Oliver Queen to perhaps the darkest place he has been yet. After being kidnapped by Adrian Chase in the final moments of episode 16, Oliver was continuously tortured by his foe, all so that he would confess his deepest, darkest secret. The problem, though, was that Oliver was not entirely sure what that secret even was — but Chase had every intention of helping him discover it.
Much of episode 17, titled "Kapiushon," took place during the Russian flashbacks, illustrating how Oliver kept falling deeper down the rabbit hole of his inner darkness. While he claimed to be using the hood as a way to channel his inner monster, Anatoly theorized, quite correctly, that the monster would eventually take over. And that is what Adrian wanted Oliver to confess.
In the final moments of season five, episode 17, Oliver, being beaten both emotionally and physically, confesses to Adrian that for years he did not kill because he had to, but rather, because he wanted to — and worse yet, because he liked it. Though Adrian lets Oliver leave his cell, we are left wondering whether the Green Arrow will be hanging up his bow and quiver for good.
Even if we have seen the last of the Green Arrow, Oliver still recognizes that Prometheus must be stopped, and in season five, episode 18, titled "Disbanded," he will call upon some old friends to take out Adrian Chase. It appears that despite his past troubles with the Bratva, Oliver will turn to his old brotherhood to defeat the man that has been plaguing Star City all season.
It should not be too surprising, though, that Oliver's team, if it still exists, will not be thrilled with his decision to outsource such a plot to a gang of criminals. But Felicity may have her own problems as she learns more about Helix. For a full preview of what to expect in "Disbanded," here is the official synopsis, via SpoilerTV:
Diggle and Felicity are shocked by Oliver's (Stephen Amell) decision to call on the Bratva to help take down Prometheus. Concerned the Bratva may overstep, Diggle has a hard conversation with Oliver about what happens if things go south. Meanwhile, Felicity learns something shocking at Helix.
Need just a little bit more Arrow to hold you over for the week? Here is an extended promo video for episode 18:
Arrow airs Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. Eastern on the CW.
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