Bernie Sanders perfectly sums up why the GOP's health care bill failed

On Friday, the Republicans pulled their health care bill from the floor, just minutes before their second scheduled vote in as many days, signaling once and for all that the GOP replacement for Obamacare is dead.
Though Trump was quick to blame Democrats for the failure, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders was quick to offer a rebuttal, calling the defeat a "major victory" to the regular people who stood up in opposition to the bill and proclaiming that, "[t]he bill's defeat shows Americans won't accept huge tax breaks for billionaires while 24 million people are kicked off health insurance."
In the lead up to Friday's debacle, thousands of people across the country pressured their elected officials to oppose the GOP's plan and arguing to protect the gains made by the Affordable Care Act.
Sanders, who mounted an improbably successful political campaign on the backs of grassroots organizers around the country, knows a thing or two about people power.