Florida high school issues apology after bizarre attempt to police students' prom dresses

This is an example of how not to tell students what's appropriate and not appropriate to wear at prom.
At Stanton College Prep School in Jacksonville, Florida, the intentions might have been good, with administrators setting up a display to show examples of dresses that would and would not be acceptable at prom. At this point, prom dress codes are something that's expected at high schools across America, with administrators highly stressed about the dresses the students could arrive in.
Unfortunately, Stanton College Prep chose to communicate which dresses would be acceptable or unacceptable in a extremely unusual way.
The school created a display with four pictures of prom dresses. On one picture of a dress that would be considered appropriate, the text read "Going to Stanton Prom? Yes you are. Good girl."
On the three pictures of dresses that would be deemed unacceptable, the caption was "Going to Stanton Prom? No you're not."
The tweet showing off the display went viral, and to the students at SCPS, this was outrageous enough that it led to a hashtag campaign, #SCPGoodGirl, which spread among students who wanted the display taken down.
To many of the students, the display was demeaning and condescending, especially with its use of "good girl."
To others, it was pure slut-shaming.
Given the school's fantastic reputation for academic excellence in the state of Florida, the sign stood at odds with how even the students view one another with respect.
After days of the hashtag spreading across Twitter, the students ultimately won, with the school apologizing for the display on Tuesday.
"The display of prom dress photos at Stanton College Prep is not appropriate or an approved policy," the school's district tweeted out. "Images were removed on [Monday]."
On Tuesday, students shared what many perceived as a win for the Stanton student body.
Mic has reached out to Stanton College Prep for comment.