"F*ck Trump" lipgloss isn't just making a statement — it's donating to women's charities

A new lipgloss is here to not only make your lips look pink and plump, but to let you send a message to Donald Trump, too.
Lipslut, which was created by college junior Katie Sones of California and bills itself as a socially conscious cosmetics company, has launched a matte pink lipgloss called "F*ck Trump," which promises to donate 50% of proceeds to a women's charity that's currently being threatened by the Trump administration.
"Realizing that Trump's plans to defund Planned Parenthood, as well as other support channels for women worldwide, were mostly likely going to come to fruition, I felt I had to take action," Sones said in an interview with Mic. "Simply put, I couldn't remain passive as communities suffered nationwide. I was so glad to see the overwhelming outpour of support at the Women's March and similar events, however, aside from awareness I wanted to find a way to direct tangible resources to those who need it."
The lipgloss itself retails for $19.95 and comes in a simple pink tube with pointed black writing.
"F*ck Trump," it reads on the front, with "Lipslut" written on the back.
Suddenly, doing your makeup on the subway got a lot more interesting.
Right now, there's no one women's charity chosen, with Lipslut instead asking customers to vote for the charity of their choice upon checkout, with orgs like the Center For Reproductive Rights, the Human Rights Campaign, Planned Parenthood and the National Organization for Women in the running. The winning organization will be chosen at the end of the campaign, though the date for the campaign's end has yet to be determined.
"I really wanted Lipslut to be something where people could get involved and do good for the world without dramatically changing their habits," Sones said. "Basically something cool that people would want to follow and would easily integrate into daily life. I still feel that cosmetic industry practices aren't really up to snuff with where we are moving towards as a society. I really hope Lipslut becomes a step in the right direction, combating any negative forces acting against social progress whether political or corporate."
March 30, 2017, 8:19 a.m.: This post has been updated.