21 unsolved mysteries from 'Pretty Little Liars'

Rosewood's favorite usual suspects will return to TV for the final 10 episodes of Pretty Little Liars. The Freeform murder mystery will kick off its last season on April 18, but 10 episodes may not be enough to address all of the unanswered questions viewers have.
Pretty Little Liars follows Aria, Hanna, Emily and Spencer, a group of friends who have been harassed by an anonymous bully named A for years. Based on Sara Shepard's book series, the high-style and high-suspense show premiered in 2010 and has inspired many theories from fans about who the mysterious A, and later A.D., is.
When we last checked in with the Liars, deaths had happened and births were imminent, and a few moments from the final 10 episodes were teased at PaleyFest. The show's creators have promised that almost all questions will be answered, but, given the amount of loose threads the show has left behind, we're not sure if that's possible. To help fans out, we've rounded up just a few of the unanswered questions and stories that need to be addressed.
1. Who were the twins Alison told the story about in "The First Secret"?
Alison looked pretty intense while telling the story of the sisters, especially after she plunged that knife into a pumpkin. There was definitely some kind of personal investment there.
2. And who was the little girl Hanna's mom found in her house in "This Is a Dark Ride"?
Similar to the twins from Alison's story, this little girl was also a curly-haired blonde. And, as the show stressed heavily, probably a ghost. Who died? And why is she haunting Mama Marin, who is easily the coolest parent on the show?
3. What happened to Meredith, Aria's father's student/mistress?
Drugging your lover's daughter and locking her in the basement isn't the best way to ingratiate yourself to your boyfriend's family.
4. What is the deal with Holden?
Why was so much time spent on Aria's childhood friend, only for him to disappear without a trace? Did his heart condition land him in the hospital? Or was the group he was a member of, given the tattoo on his wrist, make him disappear?
5. What did "Seth baby" know?
Back in season 2, the girls found themselves at a "doll hospital" where they meet a little boy called "Seth baby" by the eccentric woman who runs the store. Seth could see into the future and speaks vaguely of a girl who could see and another who was buried alive. Seth was one of the creepiest characters to appear on this show, but he was never seen again.
6. What happened to Tippi the bird?
After all the time the audience spent listening to that bird whistle, some kind of amazing storyline was needed. It was not delivered.
7. How did Cece learn how to insert a piece of paper into Hanna's tooth?
That was one of the most horrifying A threats during all seven seasons.
8. And how did Cece get blood through airport security when Spencer went to London?
Horror aside, that episode featured one of the best A texts ever: "Keep calm, but watch your carry-on."
9. Speaking of London, who was Colin and why did he put the moves on Spencer when she was overseas?
We don't buy that he was supposed to only show how lonely Spencer was. On Pretty Little Liars, everyone is a suspect — especially someone that charming.
10. How did Cece install chips in the girls' necks?
That was top-level craziness.
11. Where are Malcolm and Maggie?
It's unbelievable that they would just go away quietly. That never happens in Rosewood.
12. Why is Hanna's father so awful, and does she ever call him out on it?
Refusing to help with your daughter's education because you're too busy paying for your stepdaughter's? The only way he could be worse is if he was A.D.
13. Did Mama Marin and Pastor Ted get married?
She spent so much time worrying over whether or not to marry him. He was nowhere to be seen in the first half of season 7, but he will be back for the second half.
14. Where is Eddie Lamb?
We hope A didn't get to him. He took care of Spencer when she was at Radley, and he seemed to know a lot about Bethany Young and Toby's mom.
15. And Big Rhonda?
Big Rhonda is our favorite person at Radley, TBH. Fans have been promised a musical number in the last 10 episodes, and we really hope Rhonda is a part of it.
16. How did Aria's little brother, Mike, turn out?
So. Much. Time. was spent on him and his mental health in the earlier seasons, to say nothing of his relationship with Mona. All of that investment warrants some payoff.
17. Does Hanna's grandmother show up for the final episode?
Grandma Marin is awesome. Played by Betty Buckley, she's a straight-shooter with an amazing zest for life. We hope she plays some part in the girls finding and defeating A.D. (Unless she is A.D. herself.)
18. What did Cece ask Mona to do?
When we saw Mona at Radley for the first time, she looked at Cece (who she thought was Alison) and said, "I did everything you asked me to do." It's never been revealed what exactly that was.
19. Was Alison pregnant?
In the third season, a flashback shows Alison telling Cece she thinks she was two weeks late. Who was the possible father, and when did she learn she wasn't? Teen pregnancy shouldn't be taken lightly on any show.
20. If Mona didn't die, who/what was put in the car trunk?
That sure looked like a dead Mona.
21. How are none of the girls in therapy?
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