The Presidential Debate Narrated in Gifs: The Best Debate Recap on the Internet
When Romney kicked it off by saying that he and Obama had attended a "humorous event:"
When Romney said that his foreign policy would consist of "going after the bad guys:"
Policy wonks about 10 minutes into the debate:
Everyone else about 10 minutes into the debate:
When Romney told Obama to get some backbone:
When Romney said the Navy had the fewest ships since 1917:
When Obama informed him that we also no longer use horses and bayonets:
Twitter's reponse:
How Romney apparently pictures Russia:
Obama's face, when he said "check the record" ... but Candy wasn't there:
When Romney labeled himself the candidate of "peace:"
When it became impossible to determine whether we were talking about foreign policy or domestic policy:
When Obama said "Detroit doesn't forget:"
When Romney said "no hypotheticals" then proceeded to give hypotheticals:
When Obama mentioned investing in space:
When both candidates kept changing the topic to domestic policy:
When Obama attempted to throw Biden under the bus:
When Romney tried to distinguish himself from Obama by admitting he supports Obama's policy choices:
All I could think of when they discussed Iran's many centrifuges:
When Romney kept mentioning Mali:
When nobody mentions the euro zone Crisis in the foreign policy debate:
When Romney straight-up started agreeing with Obama:
How I felt when I understood a sentence about China's currency manipulation:
When Romney didn't mention veterans at all, for the second debate in a row:
When both candidates openly support increasing drone strikes:
Obama's face when Bob Schieffer let him completely dodge the drone strike question:
My face when Bob Schieffer let Obama completely dodge the drone strike question:
When Romney kept saying how much he loved teachers:
When Obama and Romney both did their best to pander to women over and over again:
Bob Schieffer, during the entire debate:
Thank you everyone for joining PolicyMic for the last of the presidential debates. Be sure to come back for live coverage all election night in just a few weeks!
Bonus GIF, for making it through four election 2012 debates: