11 'Breaking Bad' and 'Better Call Saul' filming locations you can visit in real life

Have you ever been watching your favorite TV show and thought to yourself, "Man, it would be cool to see that place in person"? For Mad Men and Downtown Abbey enthusiasts that's a no-brainer, but consider the gritty western world of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. A mini-break to the dusty, drug-filled neighborhoods of New Mexico doesn't sound nearly as appealing.
Or does it?
If you're a die-hard fan of either — or both — series, it very well might. Imagine it: You could one day be standing in the same spot where Walter White, played by Bryan Cranston, and Jesse Pinkman, played by Aaron Paul, robbed a train of methylamine. Or loiter outside Saul's strip-mall office building and search the nearby cars for tracking devices. Good times, right?
Seriously, though, if this sounds like a blast to you, you're not alone. There are plenty of fan sites that, through a little reconnaissance work, found many of the iconic locations Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul fans have come to know and love.
Here's a collection of the most memorable spots so you can finally take that road trip through meth country that you've been setting aside vacation days for.
Walter White's House — 3828 Piermont Drive, Albuquerque, New Mexico
All it's missing is the pizza on top of the roof. The White's residence in Albuquerque is actually owned by Frances Padilla, who's lived there for over 40 years. She probably had no idea she'd start seeing over 200 fans a day driving by to snap pictures when she originally leased it to the production company in 2008.
The A1A Car Wash — 9516 Snow Heights Circle, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Who could forget the car wash Skyler, played by Anna Gunn, gets her husband Walter to buy when they're looking for a way to account for his drug business funds? The real thing is actually called Octopus Car Washes, and believe it or not, there's an RV tour service that will take you right there. Pretty cool, huh?
Saul Goodman's Office — 9800 Montgomery Boulevard, Albuquerque, New Mexico
While Jimmy from Better Call Saul may not yet reside in the strip mall office pictured above, we know he's going to get down to that level eventually. According to Newscastic and fans who've visited the site, it's being turned into a restaurant, but the new owner is keeping the set door.
Los Pollos Hermanos — 4257 Isleta Boulevard Southwest, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Didn't that fried chicken always look so scrumptious? Well, if you want some, you'll have to head to Kentucky Fried Chicken, because Gus Fring's infamous Pollos Hermanos is actually a Twisters. It's a Mexican restaurant that specializes in burritos, but they do have chicken nuggets, if you want to stay true to the show.
Chuck McGill's house — 1607 San Cristobal Road, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Good ol' Chuck — Jimmy's older brother whose "condition" keeps him away from anything that requires batteries — spent most of his time in the dark in this lovely abode. If you plan to visit, please make sure to leave your phone in the mailbox (no really, don't).
The first cook spot — To'hajiilee Indian Reservation, New Mexico
This beautiful, relatively unspoiled terrain is the site of two iconic moments on Breaking Bad: when Jesse and Walter first cooked meth in the Winnebago together, and the moment above, when Hank gets fatally shot in arguably the best episode of the series, "Ozymandias." It's actually a Native American reservation that belongs to the Navajo Nation, so even without its fictitious roots, it's a pretty cool spot to visit.
Crossroads Motel — 1001 Central Avenue, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Who could forget the Crossroads Motel (aka the "Crystal Palace") where Wendy would proposition men in the parking lot for a dime bag or two? It's actually a pretty cool place to check out and even spend the night. You'll be right off the historic old Route 66, and there's a pool and free wifi.
Jimmy's first office and nail salon — 160 Juan Tabo Boulevard, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Whether you have a legal matter to discuss or you want to get your nails done (or both), Jimmy's first office doesn't disappoint.
Mike's tollbooth — 1st and Marquette (at the north end of the Albuquerque Convention Center), Albuquerque, NM.
Ah, the parking lot at the court house — the fateful spot where Mike Ehrmantraut, played by Jonathan Banks, and Jimmy meet for the first time, and begin their profitable yet arduous relationship. That's a must-see locale.
Mike's (and Jimmy's) meeting place restaurant — 4500 Central Avenue, Albuquerque, New Mexico
You might remember this spot more from when Mike would meet Lydia Rodarte-Quayle there to discuss business, but Jimmy's starting to utilize it as well. Check it out, have a tea and see if anyone suspicious-looking sits behind you.
Scrap yard in Breaking Bad — 5711 Broadway Boulevard, Albuquerque, New Mexico
And finally we have the scrap yard — the site where Walter White's drug deal escapades began. This is where Walter meets Tuco, played by Raymond Cruz, and learns quickly that he's trouble. The scrap yard is in fact a real recycling facility called Ace Metals where you can "get more cash for your scrap," according to the company's website. Perhaps the perfect spot to end your Breaking Bad road trip and head home, where it's safe.
Mic has ongoing Better Call Saul coverage. Please follow our Better Call Saul hub here.