'Splatoon 2' and 'Arms' release dates: Nintendo Direct April 2017 expectations

It won't be long before the April Nintendo Direct for 2017 graces our computer and phone screens. The Japanese gaming company announced on Twitter Monday that fans could expect a Direct livestream discussing Arms, Splatoon 2 and more. The official site tells us something similar, without any more details on what to expect. Allow us to speculate wildly.
Nintendo Direct April 2017: Splatoon 2 release date
Nintendo is making sure the Switch isn't as forgotten of a platform as the Wii U (the console only just got it's Zelda game, after all). Splatoon originated on the Wii U with sizable popularity. Now the sequel is coming to the Switch, letting you bring Nintendo's shooter with you wherever you want.
New weapons and items are confirmed to come to Splatoon when the game releases this summer. The Nintendo Direct could show us even more new options as part of the paint-shooter's sequel.
Nintendo Direct April 2017: Arms release date
Many complain about the sequel-ridden entertainment space we live in. Those people can look forward to Arms: The game about people with springy arms who just need to fight each other. We played the game back in January, and it was actually pretty fun.
There's a lot we know about the motion-controlled fighter, but the one crucial detail we don't have regarding Arms is a release date. The very non-specific "Spring 2017" isn't exactly something fans can mark their calendars and wait for. Especially considering Spring has already sprung. The April 2017 Nintendo Direct should give us a better idea of which exact day fans can empty their wallet or blissfully ignore the title.
Nintendo Direct April 2017: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe hype
You may have heard that there's a new battle mode on the way or that you can now hold two items at once. You may have also heard that the game is under 7GB and won't eat up your entire Switch's 32GB. Details like this will likely be part of Nintendo's 2017 Direct announcement as they try to get fans hot-and-bothered for the April 28 release of MK8.
Nintendo Direct April 2017: Please give us the Virtual Console
We live in a world where you can play GameCube games on your phone, but not Nintendo's latest console. Recent game consoles like the Nintendo Wii U and the 3DS support legacy games from systems like the NES, Game Boy and N64. The Nintendo Switch, however, won't let you play those old games.
In the Switch's defense, however, the system only launched last month. It's entirely possible, and even likely, that Nintendo could issue a patch bringing its console support for old games. That update could come sometime following the April 2017 Nintendo Direct.
Nintendo Direct April 2017: The resupply of Nintendo Switch stock
If you've been in the market for a Nintendo Switch, you know just how tough it is to get one. Places like Best Buy, Toys R Us and Nintendo's flagship store sees the occasional restock, but it may be a while until buyers can walk into any store and walk out with a Switch — and not be forced to spend more than $450 on a bundle. Let's be honest: What's the point of announcing a bunch of cool games for Switch if there's no one out there to buy them?
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