Canada might legalize recreational marijuana today

If you haven't heard an "I'm moving to Canada" joke in a while, brace yourself: On Thursday, CBC News reported that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government will publish draft legislation that, if passed, would legalize recreational marijuana.
Canadian lawmakers announced their intentions in March, saying their aim was to roll out the measure nationwide by July 1, 2018.
According to CBC News, the new bill will do a couple of things: First, it will set the minimum age to purchase legal marijuana at 18, while still giving individual provinces the option to set that age higher at their discretion.
It will also limit the amount of marijuana an individual can legally possess to 30 grams and the number of plants a household can grow to four.
While it's not yet clear what will be included in the official legislation, a report released in December by a federal task force convened around the issue of marijuana legalization provided a total of 80 recommendations to government officials — everything from imposing restrictions on the way cannabis products are marketed to applying the same public smoking restrictions to cannabis as that pertain to tobacco.
Legalizing marijuana was a centerpiece of Trudeau's campaign, one that helped make him especially popular among young voters, according to CBC News.
But as Canada moves forward on making Trudeau's progressive vision a reality, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has made no secret of his opposition to state-level legalization efforts, even going so far as to call marijuana only "slightly less awful than heroin."
Advice for Americans looking to go green? Go ahead and book that flight to Montreal.