Pokémon Go Easter Egg Event Chart: What to expect from your 2 km, 5 km and 10 km hatches

The Pokémon Go Easter egg event continues Niantic's trend of theming real-world holidays and anniversaries with Pokémon Go-world bonuses. Fitting for Easter, the newest Pokémon Go event between April 13 and April 20 centers all around eggs. The 2017 Easter event won't make Gastly and Cubone more prevalent like the Halloween event or offer up the present Pokémon during Christmas (potentially).
Instead, the Pokémon Go Easter event will offer up more rare Pokémon in lower-distance eggs and discount lucky eggs at half the price. Conveniently for Niantic's wallet, egg incubators required to hatch eggs are still full price.
For those interested in what to expect from their hatching adventures, here are the Pokémon Go Easter egg charts to clue you in.
Pokémon Go Easter event egg chart: 2 km eggs
Hatching a 2 km egg requires the least amount of effort in Pokémon Go. The amount of rare Pokémon, however, from eggs obtained between April 13 and April 20 has skyrocketed for this Easter event.
This list corroborates information from The Silph Road subreddit, IGN and EuroGamer.
Here's what you can expect from the 2 km egg group:
• Aerodactyl
• Dunsparce
• Eevee
• Elekid
• Girafarig
• Grimer
• Growlithe
• Koffing
• Lapras
• Lickitung
• Magby
• Miltank
• Onix
• Phanphy
• Rhyhorn
• Scyther
• Shellder
• Shuckle
• Skarmory
• Smoochum
• Sneasel
• Stantler
• Sudowoodo
• Tangela
• Tyrogue
• Wobbuffet
• Wooper
Pokémon Go Easter egg event chart: 5 km eggs
Pokémon you'll find in 5 km eggs during the Easter event:
• Chikorita
• Cyndaquil
• Totodile
Pokémon Go Easter egg event chart: 10 km eggs
Pokémon options when hatching 10 km eggs:
• Chansey
• Mareep
• Porygon
Pokémon Go hatches like Lapras and Porygon make this event one you won't want to miss out on. Though while you have the option of getting an Aerodactyl or Miltank from a 2 km egg, it's all up to chance. To better your chances of obtaining a rare Pokémon, you'll want to get rid of your old eggs and collect as many Easter event eggs as possible between the dates of April 13 and 20. Stock up!
Check out more Pokémon news and coverage here
If you're just booting up your Pokémon Go account, check out our first impressions of the Gen 2 update. But just know it may be a while before you get any decent evolutionary items. Also check out the time Niantic finally put a woman in the game's loading screen only to have her stand in an unnatural way. You'll also want to learn more about the Unown and new evolutionary items like the Sun Stone and more. If you're looking for a list of evolutions that weren't initially revealed by Niantic, this article is your guide.
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