NES Classic Edition Supply: Find stock on Amazon, Toys "R" Us, Walmart, GameStop or Target

NES Classic Edition supply is just as scarce as the Nintendo Switch. What's worse is that Nintendo confirmed we will see the final supply of NES Classic Edition consoles sent out to stores one last time, confirming the rumors we'd recently heard from retailers. If you're looking to buy the retro-inspired game console, it's possible, but not easy.
NES Classic Edition supply alert: When to expect the final restock
The bad news is that Nintendo is pulling the curtain on its NES Classic Edition console. The good news is this the company has spoken up about when you can purchase one. According to the Japanese gaming company (via IGN),
"Throughout April, NOA territories will receive the last shipments of Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition systems for this year. We encourage anyone interested in obtaining this system to check with retail outlets regarding availability. We understand that it has been difficult for many consumers to find a system, and for that we apologize. We have paid close attention to consumer feedback, and we greatly appreciate the incredible level of consumer interest and support for this product."
That means if you're in the market for an NES Classic this is the final countdown. Getting one will probably be very hard, so here's how to make it slightly easier.
(We reached out to retailers regarding when exactly they will have stock in April but have yet to receive word. We'll update this post when we hear back.)
NES Classic Edition supply Alert: How to be notified when stock is available with Brickseek, NowInStock and Stockinformer
If you really want an NES Classic Edition console before supply runs out, you likely already have all the major retail store respective NES pages bookmarked. Whether they be Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop, etc. (not Target, apparently).
In addition to keeping tabs on these pages, stick close to NowInStock, BrickSeek and StockInformer. You'll want to combine this with the site VisualPing so that it will send alerts to your email when anything changes on your preferred stock checker site. Set up your smartphone's email app just right or throw in IFTTT and you can get notifications of stock changes right on your phone. Making use of these tools will make sure you grab an NES Classic quicker than everybody else. Just promise you'll wait until after we get ours.
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