Everyone is posting their Facebook transformation photos. Here's how to create yours.

There's a new trend floating around Facebook under the name "Puberty Challenge." The premise is simple: Users upload their first Facebook profile picture and their most recent one side-by-side to see how their social network reacts.
"Facebook Puberty Challenge: Post your very first Facebook profile photo and your most recent photo and see how many people react to this transformation," most tags about the trending challenge read.
Facebook users who first got an account when the social media platform launched 13-some-odd years ago in 2004 will probably see the biggest differences. But younger users who got an account in middle school or high school can also see a drastic change — especially if they underwent changes during their developing years, as the challenge's name suggests.
How do you find your most recent Facebook profile picture?
Your current profile picture is easy to find: Simply go to your main page and then click on the current image. To download, click on "Options" located at the bottom and scroll to "Download."
How do you find your first Facebook profile picture?
To find your first Facebook profile picture, go to your main profile page. Click on your current Facebook picture and hover your cursor on the left-hand side of the picture. A white, left-pointing arrow will show up. Clicking this will take you to your first Facebook picture ever. Note that if you have cleaned out your history of default pictures, then it may not be your very first picture. If you're interested in taking a walk down memory lane, then hovering on the right will take you chronologically backward through all your default pics.
How to merge the pictures next to each other
You can use software like Paint to manually place the images next to each other before uploading. Or, you can use a smartphone application, like PicStitch or Layout, to make a two-photo collage.
The popularity of the Facebook challenge has also hit Twitter, with users turning to the micro-blogging platform to comment on the trend: