Another new poll shows most Americans want Trump to leave Obamacare alone

A new ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that the Affordable Care Act, commonly referenced as "Obamacare," is now supported by a clear majority of American people.
The numbers show a picture of an American population whose attitudes are shifting in favor of the previous president's signature legislation, not against it.
This complicates the job of the Trump administration, as Trump made "repeal and replace" a mantra of his campaign.
He's already failed to quickly replace the ACA. But, for a president who routinely values ratings, current polling suggests Trump should change his tune on healthcare.
A staggering majority don't want Trump to let the ACA fail
Nearly 80% of total respondents said the president should do his best to help execute the current law as best as possible, rather than letting it fail.
Trump has suggested the value in letting "Obamacare explode," describing it as his "best" political option to the Washington Post.
Current polling suggests Trump is dead-wrong about this, as only 13% of respondents believe expediting failure of the law is the choice the president should make.
What's notable about the data is that, while still a clear majority, only 61 % of people want to see the ACA remain in place.
This suggests a large number of respondents who don't support the ACA as a permanent healthcare solution still aren't rooting for its failure.
Clinton's voters are the ACA's biggest supporters, Trump's hate it more than conservatives
A whopping 93% of Hillary Clinton's voters want to see the law fixed, five points higher than the 88 percent of Democrats who do. Only 6% of Clinton's supporters are in favor of a repeal.
The largest segment of respondents who do want to see the ACA repealed and replaced are Trump voters. 80% of them approve of the replace strategy, while 76% of Republicans do.
Only 56% of conservatives support repealing and replacing it. This is fascinating because it shows a 20% difference between conservatives and Republicans, groups that are often short-handed as synonymous.
The 41% of conservatives who support fixing the law are in line with the country's overall opinion and the vast majority of Democrats and Clinton voters.
These numbers put Trump in the uncomfortable position of having to decide between abandoning his base on the issue or angering the majority of the country, including a lot of conservatives.
Given the 15 point increase in support for the ACA since January, Trump's job will only get tougher if overall public opinion continues to swing in favor of Obama's healthcare plan.