'WipEout Omega Collection' coming to PlayStation 4 in June
The world needs more futuristic arcade racing. Fast RMX for Switch is nice, but Nintendo doesn't seem eager to bring back F-Zero anytime soon. Thankfully, Sony is being a little more generous with its classic WipEout hover car racing series.
WipEout Omega Collection coming to PS4 in June
WipEout got its start in 1995 as a multiplatform game before becoming mostly PlayStation-exclusive after that. Despite the PS4 coming out more than three years ago, the futuristic racing series with high-speed antics and bumping electronic tunes hasn't come to the console yet. However, you only have to wait another month.
WipEout Omega Collection is launching on PS4 for $39.99 on June 6. It brings together three previous WipEout games into one package, enhanced for HDR and 4K support on PS4 Pro. You'll have access to the cars and tracks from WipEout HD, WipEout HD Fury and WipEout 2048.
Textures have been reworked to look good on a modern console, which is vital for something like WipEout 2048, which came out five years ago on PlayStation Vita. You'll also be able to play all of it against other players in online play. Pretty solid deal for $40.
It's not a new WipEout game, but it's still a whole lot of WipEout for the price. If Mario Kart 8 Deluxe isn't your thing, consider checking this out when it launches in June.
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