'Golden Sun' Nintendo Switch Release Rumor: Leaked video is probably fake

Ahead of the reveal of Nintendo's E3 2017 plans comes this video: a Nintendo Switch showing the start screen to a game that's either real or real fake. That game is Golden Sun: The Lunar Nation, and according to the internet, it's coming our way.
Golden Sun on Nintendo Switch release date: Is the Lunar Nation real?
The video shows little more than a start screen for the game. The words Golden Sun are stylized exactly how it's been in past games on the Game Boy Advance and the title card boasts a subtle glisten that speak the words, "believe me" in a screaming-volume whisper.
As Golden Sun fans, we desperately want to believe this leak. The video looks more difficult to fake than a simple photoshop. In addition, calling up a custom-made video on the Nintendo Switch isn't exactly easy considering it doesn't have a web browser app or video-playback capabilities. It's certainly possible, but wouldn't be easy.
That said, we've heard nothing about a Switch version of Golden Sun. And the subtitle Lunar Nation is just vaguely related enough to sound fake. Previous subtitles for GS games include The Lost Age and Dark Dawn.
A video as vague as this is tough to trust, but we'd love to see the Golden Sun game this video is hinting at come to fruition on the Switch. Don't disappoint us, E3 2017.
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