'Arrow' season 5, episode 21: Oliver and Prometheus face off in "Honor Thy Fathers"

This has been a particularly interesting season of Arrow. For the most part, it's been stellar, in no small part thanks to the inclusion of Adrian Chase, arguably the series' best villain yet. But as strong as season 5 has been, there have been several bumps in the road. One of them came in episode 20, where Felicity and Oliver were trapped together in the bunker.
(Editor's note: Spoiler's ahead for season 5, episode 21 of Arrow.)
Fortunately, there have not really been two disappointing episodes in a row this year — well, until now. Episode 21, titled "Honor Thy Fathers," tried to juggle one too many storylines while failing to utilize the season's greatest asset: Josh Segarra's Adrian Chase. This now makes three straight episodes where Chase has been largely absent on screen.
What is particularly perplexing is that episode 20 left off with Chase seeming to abduct Oliver's son. While that situation will likely be addressed in the final two episodes of the season, it is a bit strange that the writers decided not to follow through with that cliffhanger in "Honor Thy Fathers." Instead, episode 21 planted a few more seeds for conflicts going forward.
Prometheus vs. Green Arrow
Is this not the fight we have been waiting to see for weeks? While Chase and Oliver have gone head to head a few times, it has usually only been for a few short moments before whatever plan Prometheus had set in motion took effect. In "Honor Thy Fathers," Chase and Oliver once again face off ... for just a few short seconds.
The pieces to the puzzle were all in place: Felicity had convinced Oliver to resume his duties as Green Arrow (not black-hockey-mask John Wick); Chase had lured Team Arrow to his location through yet another intricate plot; and the two foes come face-to-face in a stairwell. It had all the makings for an epic fight.
Unfortunately, it did not last long. After Chase reveals he is trying to honor his father's legacy, Oliver tells him his father was set to disown him. Apparently, Chase's father felt that his son was insane. Rather than send Chase into a blind rage, the news causes him to lay down his sword, kneel before Oliver and politely ask that he end his life.
Now, it is quite likely that this is just the next step in Chase's game. It probably was a calculated decision, knowing that Oliver would not actually kill him. This is more clear from next week's promo, which shows that Chase has a few tricks up his sleeve. But after weeks of waiting for the Green Arrow and Prometheus to throw down once more, you can call me a bit disappointed.
Look, this is clearly far from a positive review; that is clear. But I would not go as far as to say that "Honor Thy Fathers" is a complete failure. Rather, it just did not live up to the expectations set this season. And with Thea returning, Rene battling for custody of his daughter and the return of the flashbacks (and Konstantin Kovar), there was just a bit too much going on. Of course, Segarra's absence was noticed.
All season Josh Segarra has been great as Adrian Chase. His contribution to Arrow's fifth season became even greater, though, after it was revealed that he was Prometheus. For him now to have been absent for most of the last three episodes is obviously a bummer. Fortunately, from the look of next week's promo, Prometheus will be heavily involved.
And though this may not have been Arrow at its best, there is little reason to lose optimism for the remaining episodes. Not only will Chase make another move, but we will soon see some fan-favorites returning — including Deathstroke.
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