'Arrow' Season 5, Episode 22 Preview: Black Siren returns to help Prometheus in "Missing"

With only two episodes left in Arrow's fifth season, Adrian Chase finds himself in custody. But the threat is nowhere near over. In Wednesday night's Arrow, Chase continued playing mind games with Oliver, this time making him question what type of person his father really was — as it turns out, a killer.
When the Green Arrow and Prometheus finally come face-to-face, their battle lasts just a few seconds, with the latter surrendering (it was a bummer). And if that seemed too easy, that is likely because it was. In the fifth season's penultimate episode, Adrian Chase will prove that he remains two steps ahead when Dinah and Curtis go missing.
Though Prometheus has generally been a lone wolf, it appears that in episode 22, titled "Missing," he will have some help — from Black Siren no less. Black Siren's appearance comes in advance of a slew of other characters set to return for Arrow's season finale — including Deathstroke and Talia al Ghul.
With most of the returning characters traditionally being villains, the question will be: Who is on Oliver Queen's side?
For more on this season's penultimate episode, check out the official synopsis for "Missing," via Spoiler TV, below:
Black Siren returns to help Chase. Felicity organizes a birthday party for Oliver while Lance is furious after Rene misses the custody hearing for his daughter.
Need a bit more? Here is the promo for Arrow's next episode:
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