Native Australians outraged by gay porn studio using sacred didgeridoo as dildo

This is definitely a didgeri-don't.
Native Australians are decrying the use of a didgeridoo, a sacred instrument to indigenous Australians, in a gay pornographic film called "Didgeridoo Me," the Star Observer reports.
As seen in the extremely NSFW trailer, when one of the actors, Jack Hunter, plays the didgeridoo, his scene partner, Aspen, can't get any sleep. Aspen then decides to use the didgeridoo as a sex toy on Hunter.
Several Australians took to Twitter to show their disapproval for the video.
According to the Observer, people on Tumblr did not take too kindly to the video, as well.
"Wow, porn actually managed to cross a line — incredibly disrespectful to the Australian Aboriginal communities," one Tumblr user wrote.
Another person said, "So no one is going to mention the fact that this is incredibly racist and culturally offensive? Don’t laugh, get angry."
The Observer did not link to the Tumblr posts.
The didgeridoo is considered to be one of the oldest musical instruments on earth. Unfortunately, gay porn makers aren't the only ones showing it a bit of disrespect.
This week, an American restaurant came under scrutiny on Twitter for using a didgeridoo as a device to deliver shots of alcohol.
"The didgeridoo is a spiritual instrument our people have been using for thousands of years to tell stories about the dreamtime, not a shot glass," indigenous Australian Nathan Appo wrote on Twitter.