'Destiny' balance updates: Bungie confirms Age of Triumph was the last change to the meta game

In yesterday's This Week at Bungie report, the developer confirmed that Age of Triumph was the last update for Destiny. This means the meta game, the way the weapons, armor, classes and abilities interact with each other, is set in stone. One of the ways Bungie continued to keep Destiny fresh for players is through periodic rebalances of the meta game that kept any one set of items or character class and abilities from becoming too strong.
Destiny balance updates: Bungie's sole focus is Destiny 2
Now that game balance will no longer receive updates, many players aren't excited about the prospect of continuing in the game. Bungie's "sole focus at this time" is Destiny 2, but leaving a six-month gap between Age of Triumph and Destiny 2 might not have been the best move if Bungie wants to keep its player base plugged in.
One optimistic thought is that "sole focus at this time," indicates that maybe support for the original Destiny will continue at some point after Destiny 2 is released. However, given Bungie's weirdness when it comes to season passes and product support in general, I wouldn't count on it.
Destiny 2 comes out Sept. 8 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The game will also hit PC, but the release date for that version is unconfirmed.
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