Call of Duty: WW2 Scorestreaks: What we may get to see when the open beta comes out
Call of Duty: WW2 scorestreaks will be making a significant turn from the ones shown in Infinite Warfare. For the last few entries in the series we've been used to seeing futuristic-themed scorestreaks, but since the next Call of Duty is taking place in World War II, Sledgehammer is building the whole system again from the ground up.
At E3 2017, some of Call of Duty: WW2's scorestreaks were shown off in gameplay demos according to PVPLive and the Call of Duty Wikia, and we've listed what we know about them so far.
Call of Duty: WW2 Scorestreaks: New powerups for multiplayer
Below are some of Call of Duty: WW2's scorestreaks seen at the E3 2017 demonstration. Keep in mind that although there's a good chance these will make it into the game, they're not finalized. Additionally, we may see more scorestreaks in the final product.
Recon Aircraft (400 pts)
The Recon Aircraft replaces the UAV of past games. When you use this scorestreak, it'll reveal enemy players on the mini-map.
Counter-Recon Aircraft (425 pts)
The Counter-Recon Aircraft scorestreak will destroy any enemy recon aircraft or counter-recon aircraft currently activated and will block enemy recon aircraft from entering the field for a short time.
Flamethrower (500 pts)
A backpack-mounted flamethrower. You can see a little bit of the flamethrower in action during the E3 multiplayer trailer.
Fighter Pilot (525 pts)
You can enter the cockpit of an attack aircraft for a short strafing run with the Fighter Pilot scorestreak. This is another that you can see in the multiplayer trailer.
Care Package (550 pts)
When you call the Care Package in, it'll drop via parachute. Inside is a random scorestreak for the taking.
Glide Bomb (650 pts)
The Glide Bomb takes the role the Predator Missile held in past games. It's a powerful munition that you can guide to a target.
Mortar Strike (750 pts)
With the Mortar Strike, you can choose three target locations for precision strikes.
Artillery Barrage (850 pts)
Using the map, you can designate a target for a barrage of artillery fire.
Flak Guns (950 pts)
This scorestreak will destroy any enemy aerial vehicles and will block the opposing team from using new ones.
Paratroopers (1000 pts)
With this scorestreak, you can call in paratrooper reinforcements.
Carpet Bomb (1200 pts)
This scorestreak will call in a multi-pass aerial bombardment.
Ball Turret Gunner (1400 pts)
You can man a B-17G ball turret with this scorestreak and devastate the enemy as the plane flies over the battlefield.
There's a lot we don't know yet about Call of Duty: WW2's multiplayer, but it's shaping up to be a huge departure from previous games. We'll have more for you as we draw near to the Call of Duty: WW2 release on November 3.
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