Season 11 of 'The X-Files' will be written entirely by men


News coming out of the latest season of The X-Files will have fans doing Dana Scully-level eye rolls.

According to IndieWire, the writers' room for season 11 of the beloved sci-fi drama will be made up entirely of men.

Joining creator Chris Carter will be producers Glen Morgan, Darin Morgan and James Wong, who wrote and directed season 10's episodes, and newcomers Gabe Rotter, Benjamin Van Allen and Brad Follmer, who all served as writers' assistants on previous seasons of the show.

That season 11 of The X-Files doesn't include any female writers isn't all too surprising, considering Nerdist's report that over the course of 202 episodes, two feature films and a six-episode reboot, only six women have ever been involved in writing for the show — one of them being Gillian Anderson herself.

When asked about the writers he was inviting for The X Files' much-anticipated 10th season, Carter said he wanted to keep the same writers as the show's original series to maintain its integrity.

"You don’t want to take a chance," Carter told IndieWire in February 2016. "If it didn’t work you’d be sunk because there is no way to recover if someone wrote a script and it didn’t work. The clock is ticking."

If he had to pick anyone new to bring on, Carter said it would have been Charlie Kaufman and Aaron Sorkin. In other words, two more men.

The truth is out there — maybe more women deserve a shot at finding it.