'Overwatch' Characters: Player racks up 100 hours with all 24 heroes
Think you're obsessed with Overwatch? Think again. One player, who goes by Treeboydave online, has played for over 2,400 hours since the game came out in 2016 — a total of 100 hours with each of its 24 characters.
Treeboydave uploaded a GIF of his career profile page to /r/Overwatch as proof, converting an absurd amount of commitment into a clean, perfectly even rainbow of information.
According to his Twitch bio, Treeboydave plays about eight hours of Overwatch per day, if you average out his time. But because of his work schedule, it sounds like he actually plays quite a bit more in a single sitting with large gaps in between.
"I have a 40-hour [per] week job, which is shift-based," he said. "That means I work for four days straight, and then get four days off afterwards. This gives me a lot of time to dedicate to gaming and streaming."
Talk about an understatement.
Up next on Treeboydave's schedule is ironing out that pesky unevenness on the "all modes" page of his career profile, which collates someone's playtime across every single mode of play, including competitive and arcade.
Of course, that's assuming Blizzard doesn't drop a 25th hero in the near future.
"Whenever a new hero is released, I will get that hero to the current quick play target before going back to the current goal," he said. "As an example, hero 25 (Doomfist, maybe?) may be released soon, so I will be playing him to 100 hours before resuming my arcade cleanup."
Good luck, friend. Please get some sleep or go outside, maybe, too.
More Overwatch news and updates
For more on Overwatch, check out the rest of what Mic has to offer. Here is an intro to the cute, new “Wholesome Overwatch” subreddit, a look at some gorgeous Overwatch-themed PS4 and Xbox One controllers, a cool Easter Egg in the new Horizon Lunar Colony map and a criticism of Blizzard’s failures in its design of Symmetra.