Majority of voters back Donald Trump’s travel ban, poll finds
The travel ban President Donald Trump imposed on refugees as well as immigrants from six majority-Muslim countries is widely popular among American voters, according to a new Politico/Morning Consult poll.
The survey found that nearly two-thirds (60%) of voters support the ban, while 28% oppose it.
The pollsters, however, posed the question differently than other surveys that found the ban to be less popular.
For example, an Associated Press/NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll in June found that 57% of Americans thought federal courts were “acting rightly” in preventing the travel ban from going into effect.
In the Politico/Morning Consult poll, the words “Trump” and “travel ban” were not mentioned. Instead, respondents were asked whether they supported “new guidelines which say visa applicants from six predominately Muslim countries must prove a close family relationship with a U.S. resident in order to enter the country.”
Those new restrictions were imposed by the Supreme Court, which in June allowed parts of the ban to go into effect until it hears arguments on the ban’s legality in the fall.
“Since we last asked about Trump’s travel ban, we’ve seen a drop in those who oppose the executive order,” Kyle Dropp, Morning Consult cofounder and chief research officer, said. “Though, we’ve also seen an uptick in those who do not have any opinion on the matter or have yet to settle on one.”