‘Evil Within 2’ Gameplay: Roundup of everything we’ve seen so far

The Evil Within 2 is slated for an October 13 release date, but we’ve seen surprisingly little of the game itself so far — a wise decision on Bethesda’s part, given that horror relies so heavily on shock value to be effective.
Of course, if you’re going to be dropping $60 on a brand-new game, you want to make sure it’ll be worth it. To help you make your decision, we’ve rounded up a collection of gameplay footage to give you a better idea of what to expect.
Evil Within 2 gameplay footage
The biggest chunk of gameplay we’ve seen so far came from Bethesda’s trailer at E3 in June, which starts off with slow-paced tension, but quickly escalates into an all-out gore fest.
For the past few weeks, the Evil Within 2 Twitter account has been sharing additional gameplay clips in the form of GIFs and videos, like this one here:
Bethesda has also released a few snippets of gameplay that were integrated into its booth on the E3 show floor, which we’ve embedded below.
That’s basically it, as far as gameplay footage goes. Bethesda will likely reveal a bit more in the time leading up to its release in October — but if you know you’re going to buy it, do yourself a favor and let it surprise you.
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