Rhode Island Election Results: LIVE Presidential Polls Have Obama Up By 26 Points


Rhode Island may be the smallest state in the Union, but also is one of the most heavily Democratic. In the presidential race, the state is polling heavily in favor of President Barack Obama by as many as 26 points, according to a Brown University poll.

Rhode Island has 4 Electoral College votes.

The Senate race is also skewed heavily blue. Most recent poll data shows incumbent Sheldon Whitehouse (D) leading Barry Hinckley (R) 55% to 33%. Whitehouse, a former attorney general, has been campaigning on a platform of reviving American manufacturing, reducing student debt, and supporting health care and senior support systems.

As in the presidential race, his opponent is an entrepreneur — Hinckley founded Bullhorn software — intent on bringing business stratagem to government. His campaign website states that, “As senator, Barry will implement the same private sector leadership that propelled Bullhorn to success.” Yet, as Timothy Egan has warned, “history shows that time in the money trade is more often that not a prelude to a disastrous presidency.”

Polls indicate that the people of Rhode Island seem to agree with Egan, “We aren’t electing a CEO to occupy the White House. We’re looking for good judgment, broad life experience, flashes of wisdom.”

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