Today in Trump’s America: Trump’s Supreme Court reality show ends with final pick Monday night
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Good morning from Emily Singer at Mic.
Here’s what’s happening in Trump’s America:
• There’s a lot of executive time on the schedule for Trump Monday. He’ll have his daily intelligence briefing at 11:45 a.m. Eastern followed by lunch at 12:30 with Vice President Mike Pence. Those are the only events listed on his schedule until his 9 p.m. Supreme Court nominee announcement.
About last night: Trump administration puts special interests over the health of nursing mothers
The Trump administration blatantly put special interests over the health and finances of new mothers by spiking a United Nations resolution that says a mother’s breast milk is healthiest for children and that nursing mothers should limit the use of formula, the New York Times reported Sunday.
The resolution was opposed by formula manufacturers, who have seen their sales drop after more women have decided to breastfeed, according to the New York Times report.
Initially, the Trump administration wanted the resolution to be weakened, asking for language to be removed that called on countries to “protect, promote and support breastfeeding” and to restrict foods that would cause harm to young children. When the language wasn’t removed, the Trump administration took more drastic measures, threatening harsh trade measures and cuts to military aid to Ecuador, which was going to introduce the resolution.
Even more astonishingly, the measure ultimately passed because Russia introduced the resolution — and the U.S. did not threaten Russia with the same punishments.
The whole incident is damning for the Trump administration on multiple levels: They sided with powerful special interests over science that says breast milk is healthier for children and only threatened poor countries, and not Russia.
Today in Trump’s America: Trump to give a Supreme Court nominee his final rose
Trump is set to announce his pick to succeed Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy Monday night.
Trump has whittled his list to four finalists: Brett Kavanaugh, Thomas Hardiman, Raymond Kethledge and Amy Coney Barrett. He told reporters Sunday that he will make his decision before noon and will announce the choice during a primetime address to the nation at 9 p.m. Eastern.
According to the New York Times, Trump has taken a renewed interest in Hardiman, who was the runner-up to now-Justice Neil Gorsuch last year. Hardiman served on the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit with Trump’s sister, Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, and Barry recommended Hariman last year.
But Trump also spent time at his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club Sunday with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, who backs the social conservative Coney Barrett, according to the New York Times.
Trump’s pick will have major implications for the country, especially on abortion rights, as the new justice could be the fifth vote to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade decision that conservatives have targeted for decades.
That makes Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) the senator to watch during confirmation hearings. Collins does not want to see the landmark case overturned, and given the Senate’s narrow GOP majority, her vote could make or break the nominee’s chances at confirmation.
For all of my fellow Bachelorette watchers, the speech will cause tonight’s episode to be paused and will resume after Trump’s announcement is complete.
And the rest…
Jim Jordan: Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) will return to Capitol Hill this week amid a flurry of reports that he knew about a team athletic doctor accused of sexual abuse at Ohio State University, where he served as an assistant wrestling coach. Seven former wrestlers have now come forward to say Jordan knew about the abuse, according to the Washington Post. The controversy around Jordan comes as the conservative lawmaker, who has been a thorn in the side of Republican leadership for years, is being encouraged by conservative groups to run for the Speaker’s gavel.
Pay to play: The Trump Foundation — currently facing a lawsuit from the New York attorney general — had a pattern of donating $25,000 to charities that moved their events to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, the Palm Beach Post reported.
Brexit problems: U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit secretary, David Davis, abruptly resigned Sunday night. His resignation comes amid criticism of May’s Brexit plan, which some say is a watered down version of the clean break voters picked in 2016.