Former MoviePass users, check your email — the app may be about to charge you $9.95 per month again
Have you ever paid for MoviePass? Was your subscription canceled when you didn’t agree to the lesser plan in August? If so, check your email — MoviePass is about to start charging you again.
When MoviePass got rid of its one-movie-per-day option, it refunded annual subscribers who paid for the whole year in advance. According to Mashable, these subscribers have started to receive MoviePass’s latest offer for a $9.95 per month, unlimited movies plan. The problem: Folks who receive the email are automatically subscribed to the plan.
The email was sent to customers on Friday. “Because we really hope you begin enjoying your MoviePass subscription again, we have chosen you to be a part of a select test group, who beginning Friday, Oct. 5th will be restored to unlimited movies (up to one new movie title per day based on existing inventory) — the same subscription that you signed up for and previously enjoyed,” the email reads. “If you decide that you do not want this you must ‘opt out’ before Thursday, Oct. 4th at 9:00 p.m. EDT.”
Former monthly subscribers have seen emails about $7.95 for three movies a month.
MoviePass has a fraught relationship with its users’ consent. In August, a suspicious bug prevented subscribers who wanted to cancel the service from doing so. Prior to the bug, certain users who successfully canceled MoviePass (or at least thought they did) actually somehow enrolled in the company’s latest plan: $9.95 to see three movies per month. The new plan was a step down from the original option of one movie per day for $9.95.
Former MoviePass subscribers who would like to opt out from the subscription plan they were auto-enrolled in can do so here.