“Me voting in 2016 vs. 2018” meme reminds us who we’ve become since Trump was elected

On Nov. 8, 2016, Donald Trump was elected as president of the United States. Since Trump’s entered the White House, we’ve witnessed a lot: the #MeToo movement, migrant family separations, bans on Muslim people from entering the United States, racist comments toward African nations, foolhardy decisions ignoring climate change and an eyebrow-raising bromance with Kanye West.
It’s been a long two years.
Two Novembers later and the midterm elections are upon us, where a potentially record number of voters will show up to make their voices heard. Many of those who voted in 2016, though, are markedly different now — the current political climate has changed them, and the internet has been responding accordingly.
Here are a few of the funniest 2016 vs. 2018 memes.
Wakanda for a couple years
Beyoncé saw few lemons to turn to lemonade
The Handmaid’s Tale, 2018 election edition
From Prince Harry to Gritty from Philly
Mic copy chief Ali Killian is a less happy version of Gritty this Election Day
Leonardo DiCaprio has seen some things since 2016
Mic alumnus Cooper Fleishman used to be so happy
X-men’s Jean Grey has entered full-on phoenix mode in prep of Election Day 2018
Guy Fieri in 2018 is now worried for this election
Macaulay Culkin has become Willem DaFoe since the 2016 election
Make sure to vote this Election Day.
Nov. 6, 2018, 3:20 p.m.: This post has been updated.