24 of the Greatest Dos Equis 'The Most Interesting Man in the World' Quotes (+Video)


Six months ago, I wrote at piece about Dos Equis mascot, "The Most Interesting Man in the World." I still am receiving additions to my list, and figured I should milk this subject for all it is worth. So, here are another 24 items for your perusal. Please comment with any of your suggestions.

1. He only sleeps four hours each night. He considers resting a complete waste of time.

2. His teeth are getting whiter as he ages.

3. Thousands of people have offered him money for a transfusion of his blood.

4. When he closes a business deal, he always receives a 100% bonus.

5. Even poor people donate to his charitable foundation.

6. There are 25 restaurants named after him in his country.

7. All restaurants in his country hold a table for him every night.

8. He has a standing offer to be president of five different countries around the world.

9. He has more girlfriends than Wilt Chamberlain and Geraldo Rivera combined.

10. He has frozen 50 gallons of his sperm for the betterment of future generations.

11. His body is so fine-tuned that he no longer urinates or deficates.

12. He never drinks wine that is younger than he is.

13. He does not need to light a cigar to smoke it.

14. He can play golf as a righty or a lefty.

15. He has never lost a golf ball.

16. Neither salt nor sand adheres to his body when he goes to the beach.

17. He sleeps with his eyes wide open.

18. When he rents a car, he always receives a brand new automobile.

19. He always asks his opthamologist to increase the distance to the eye chart. He likes the challenge.

20. When a lady needs a seat on a bus, he insists that every passenger on board offer theirs.

21. Whenever he attends a wedding, he always gives the bride away.

22. He is godfather of every person in his family including all those older than him.

23. When he buys food at a fast food restaurant, he immediately throws it away.

24. When he boards a commercial airplane, the doors close and the plane takes off.