Adam Lanza's Brain Shows Nothing Unusual, Says Autopsy


Adam Lanza, the 20-year-old Sandy Hook Elementary shooter who killed 20 children and 8 adults — including his mother and self — during the December 14 Newtown, Connecticut, massacre had a perfectly normal brain — according to toxicological tests and genetic analysis reported by the Associated Press via the New York Daily News.  

But Dr. H. Wayne Carver II, the Connecticut chief medical examiner who conducted the analysis, said he doubts these results could explain the motives behind Lanza's deadly rampage, as his brain showed "nothing unusual."

"It's a fishing expedition," Dr. Carver said. "I don’t think we'll find answers. But that doesn't mean you don't look," he added. Carver revealed Lanza's brain "showed no tumor or gross deformity" (which would have been associated with "very severe disabilities").  

Furthermore, results of the full toxicology exam — which involve testing body fluids for psychiatric medications or illegal substances — could take "several weeks." According to Dr. Carver, these results could provide "potential information" into the motives of the deadly shooter. 

Read on the NYDN.